Monday, November 8, 2010

Why Do You Not Weigh Less After Shit

Updating ...

Yes, yes, autumn is hard to enter, and the winter is not too far away ... so I have just over two weeks schonmal tuned our entrance to the autumn / winter period.
is also our chest of drawers for the hall (you do not mind the briquettes under the stairs, but as the outer area was a bit more expensive but must wait for our summer house a bit and serve the space under the stairs as long as the camp) arrived and our wardrobe and also on Friday endlch our long awaited couch on which we can now make both long :-) ... because the cats have even more space ;-)
Last Week had also again reported an employee of finger house because we have finally brought the repair of the gutter by signed order confirmation rolling. He said if we had luck, the end of the week would have to be another service team over ... but so far, no one was reported for an appointment. Would be nice if it would work until the weekend. Otherwise

is also with us first winter break ... However, we need to buy in the next few days finally an outer lamp before we scratch our evening at the keyhole in the dark still find the whole castle.
And of course I am looking forward to decorating our house for Christmas ...


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