Sunday, June 6, 2010

Best Travel Hiking Camera Bag

Side Story 1: Insoles

as " Side Stories " I call short stories without much context. Here's numero 1:

I urgently needed some insoles for my work shoes, as their comfort to be desired left much more. Finally came a day when I remembered this idea once during a shopping at the supermarket of my choice, so I went out into the adjoining, well-equipped shoe store. Since the word "insole" not just in the first 3 lessons of English learning books happens, I've durchgehangelt also:

I ". Hello, I need to bring things into the shoes"
He: "Socks?"
I ". Nee things like that in between the socks and shoes."
He: I (
Ahh, a foreign idiot ...
)? ":" For as the bottom of the shoes to reintun ...!"
He: "Socks (? plan tortillas )
Me:" Uh, yes, probably ... "He
:" Here? ( looked at me there when I had just asked for a chainsaw ... ) In a shoe store
Me: "? Ääähhhh ... ? Joa "( or I was in my English just so wasted that I asked him if he would like me to shave the bottom ?)
He:" Neeeeeeee ..... tz ... (Eye rolling ) do not exist in the shoe business ... Since there had to go to the supermarket "
Me:".. Ääähhh ... "(I incomprehension am almost ashamed for my provocative suggestion that there might be in a shoe store insoles ... ) "and then where?"
He: "Well the shoes!" ( said with a look of "where should they be otherwise, you idiot ?)
Me:" Ah, okay ... "(. and down )

Note: It are privileged people who are not in their thinking hindered by logic. is completely overrated anyway in Argentina.
The next time I enter the store, I had my way, chain saw it ... and then we will see who who shaved the bottom.


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