Sunday, October 25, 2009

Best Garment Bag Weddign Dress

Aires Argentina's "Outback", or: No sky above Buenos Aires

Much time has passed already since the last time I scrub here. Accordingly, much has happened. I start forward and try to keep myself short but flowery.
When I moved into my local home, I got the same e in p aar A rgentinier familiar with German roots in my neighborhood, which immediately r ührend cared about me, me all told me and of course immediately invited to a asado, the Argentine between Antwo rt on German barbecue, only that it takes place here every season and sometimes a small group of family ... That the grill (the "Parilla") is at least 5 times as large as at home I need not mention comfortable.
The parents of my neighbor have a country estate 300 miles south of Buenos Aires, where I hindurfte then twice with a colleague with. get out early from the city was an experience, because for n un good 5 months I had seen no land. There really was something behind the houses! Namely, as far as the eye: Nothing! Beautiful Nothing. Wide, flat land with meadows, a few trees here and there and a few cows. The weather was beautiful, beautiful nature. The small property with pastures has around 1 8 00 hectares, or 1,800 x 10,000 square meters, or 1,800 x 4 M Orgen, or 1,800 football fields, if that helps more.
stand on this area then a few thousand cattle around freely, so about 3,000. The real number nobody knows exactly who sometimes die, some are born. There are four salaried original "gauchos" that make the whole day is not much other than to ride the whole country and to look after the animals here and there to repair a fence and try to the inventory to keep up to date as possible. If an animal dies once, is not that bad. There is still some time and is gone. Thus, the runs here and why not.
There are also many eucalyptus trees in the country, unfortunately without co Alabama, and a lot Molitas, the Argentinian armadillos. Unfortunately I have not seen alive, but firmly made up my mind n, to find one and catch, only for a few photos. They're just too cute! April opos, recently I had in my street my first encounter with an opossum. Even so cute! Well, and the spiders I've already had plenty indeed published as photo opportunities. One of them caught and I saved before the exterminator. She now lives in a large glass with me and gets every day insects. Anyone who knows me knows that my spiders in Germany, more names were Klaus (Klaus Klaus I to III). Here I m I decided to Juan. Much to my current cohabiting joylessness colleague who has the beauty and grace of these magnificent animals is not much left. You are looking rather peaceful coexistence.
Nachde m, we were so far down over the land and an hour in the hanging atte after a delicious Asado spent, was it ever dark and I first saw the stars in the southern hemisphere. Of course there are ü above the city sky in principle, but not containing n at night because of the haze that of Buenos Aires (to German: good air!) Reveals, is almost no star. And it was with every minute more and more stars, beautiful! A great and exciting day!

Three weeks later we have another trip to the country, this time made in the northwest of BA, where we then traveled even half St un d e on horseback have. The small, sleepy town of San Antonio de Areco is advertised in almost every guidebook as a tourist destination. On Ortseingan g to set the clock back 50 years to wind chill. I think the right word for this is picturesque, or rather "picturesque" (Yes, now you write really so.). It is really cute, ideal for a day trip . You can ride, eat and do other things. However, I would like to hang Über'm fence not dead, at least not for long. Everyone how he likes it.

New experiences in the Argentine road:
The other day I was honked off the bus maliciously behind me, because I had the audacity to stop at a red light.



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